Mon Casino Casamor

Mon Casino Casamor are a funkyrumbluesafropolka & latin band from Barcelona with its own repertoire that plays a variety of styles. They travel for rock, funk, latin, jazz, pop, afro, rumba, punk, polka. They perform in trio, quartet, quintet MCC format … up to MCC 8!.

Mon Casino Casamor Contact: +34 613133726,

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Mon Casino Casamor (MCC) begin to sound strongly in the Barcelona scene. They are surprising for their diversity of styles, their mix of musical influences and the proximity of their lyrics. They manage to create intimate environments and at the same time, they can get you out of the chair to dance a party.

The story tells that Joan Casamor and Xavier Casino, two musicians and authors with musical trajectory in Barcelona, had a pending project and in 2012 they started to compose and make it a reality. After being a year and a half finding a sound and a language of its own, the drummer Mon Solsona joins the lineup, forming a power trio of proximity, with heat and groove in equal parts. More than 60 concerts by Catalonia and a first EP with the name of the group (MCC, 2014) are the baggage of the first times of the band. This trio format continues to present the show «Rumblues y Canciones de Piano Bar» for small and medium-sized rooms. This format combines the own compositions and also music poems by others (Miquel Martí i Pol, L.M. Panero, Jordi López, Shakespeare, etc.). They sing and musican in Castilian, Catalan and English, they even have passages in German or Amazigh language.

In 2017, from Barcelona and to the world, have been presenting «La Màgia dels Essers Imperfectes» – «The Magic of Imperfect Beings» – that only the beginning of the year has already exhausted the first edition with the presentation concert. Funk, rumba, polka-ska, afro, rock .. This EP is produced by themselves and mixed in the wonderful BSO Studios of Barcelona by Dani Espinet.

Currently, Mon Casamor Casino combines two or more scenic formats ranging from MCC 3 to MCC 8, also with vital lyrics and diversity of styles, where they explore sounds that travel between sounds of the Mediterranean and the Caribbean, from Barcelona to Algiers through New Orleans, everything that goes through their heads: rock, reggae, funk, latin, blues, jazz or polka ska. MCC has influences from Vinicio Capossela, Dusminguet, Mano Negra, ONB, Nina Simone, Van Morrison, Sisa, Rubén Blades, Johnny Guitar Watson, Tom Waits, Peret, and many more.

Mon Casino Casamor Trío are Joan Casamor «El niño del burdel» (piano and keyboards), Xavier Casino (voice and guitar) and Mon Solsona (drums and shackers). They are part of the MCC music family, from the largest formations: Karim Kemmat (percussion), Massyl Aïta (bass), Carles Sami Castellanos (trumpet), Cesc Madrid (electric guitar) and Oriol Ragull (electric guitar).

Mon Casino Casamor Official Facebook Page
Joan Casamor Official Facebook Profile
Xavier Casino Official Facebook Profile
Mon Solsona Official Facebook Profile
Karim Kemmat Official Facebook Profile
Massyl Aïta Official Facebook Profile
Carles Sami Castellanos Official Facebook Profile
Cesc Madrid Official Facebook Profile
Oriol Ragull Official Facebook Profile
Mon Casino Casamor Official Soundcloud

Mon Casino Casamor Official Youtube

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