Ultimate Band/Acoustic/Dj/Performance
Our artists are very good musicians, covering a wide range of styles, acting alone as instrumentalists or in their own groups and acoustic and band formats or transmit their skills through a live performance or an act or by a dj set, each one in their favorite styles. (BANDS, ACOUSTICS, PERFORMANCES, DJ SETS)
You can form your own band or acoustic or dj set choosing instruments and style suited to each event, space or specific need, we have everything, violin, guitars, bass, percussion and drums, saxophone, trumpet, harmonica, vocals .. … jazz, blues, rockandroll, funk, soul, world, rumba, reggae, hiphop, chillout, ambience, soulful, …… 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, … (ULTIMATE BAND) (ULTIMATE ACOUSTIC) (ULTIMATE DJ)
Ask us about it to +34 613133726, eko@eko.cat.
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