Somedays Out

Somedays Out musical style is Indie / Pop / Rock with influences from U2, Muse, The Who, Florence and the Machine, The XX, Radiohead, The Temper Trap, White Lies. Band, Acoustic and Dj Set is available.

Somedays Out Contact: +34 613133726,

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Somedays Out is a Bilbao Band that is consolidated as such at the end of 2009.

After spending all year 2010-2011 working hard at the local, in 2012 they give his first concerts with great acceptance by the public. In January 2013 they recorded their first EP with 4 songs with producer Kike Mora and end the year playing in one of the most important places in Bilbao, Bizkaia, Bilborock. In 2015 Somedays Out are finalists in Barrika On Air Contest where they earn the best live award.

In 2016 they have also been finalists in the Al Tran Tran Indie Festival, a national competition. They are currently finishing recording their third EP. It highlights the great rhythm section Ander and Honey, Ales ethereal guitars and the powerful voice of Sere. Somedays Out musical style is Indie / Pop / Rock with influences from U2, Muse, The Who, Florence and the Machine, The XX, Radiohead, The Temper Trap, White Lies.

Somedays Out is composed by Ales Ulibarri – Guitar and chorus (04/04/1985, Bilbao), Ander Sahagún – Drums (16/07/1985, Bilbao), Miguel Oyarzabal– Bass (15/03/1994, Durango), Scheherazade Alvarez Barcala – Vocal (11/07/1985, Bilbao)

Scheherazade Alvarez Barcala Official Facebook Profile
Ales Ulibarri Official Facebook Profile
Ander Sahagún Official Facebook Profile
Somedays Out Official Facebook Page
Somedays Out Official Twitter
Somedays Out Official Instagram
Somedays Out Official ReverbNation
Somedays Out Official Bandcamp
Somedays Out Official Website

Somedays Out Official Soundcloud

Somedays Out Official Youtube

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